British Airways Name Change Policy

In this article, we provide a comprehensive overview of British Airways’ Name Change Policy. Whether you’re a frequent traveler or planning your first trip with British Airways, understanding their name change policy is crucial. We’ll cover the essential details, procedures, and guidelines to help you navigate this process seamlessly.

Understanding British Airways Name Change Policy

Eligibility for Name Change

Before delving into the details, it’s crucial to know if you’re eligible for a name change. British Airways allows name changes under specific circumstances:

  1. Spelling Errors: If there is a spelling mistake in your name on the ticket, British Airways permits corrections.
  2. Marriage or Divorce: You can change your name due to marriage or divorce, provided you provide legal documents as evidence.
  3. Legal Name Change: If you’ve legally changed your name, you can update it on your British Airways booking.

Procedure for Name Change

Changing your name on a British Airways booking involves a straightforward process:

  1. Contact Customer Support: Get in touch with British Airways’ customer support through their website, phone, or local office.
  2. Provide Documentation: For name changes due to marriage, divorce, or legal name change, you’ll need to provide supporting legal documents.
  3. Review and Confirmation: After submitting your request and documents, British Airways will review your case. Once approved, you’ll receive a confirmation email.
  4. Updated Ticket: Your ticket will be updated with the new name, and you’ll receive an updated e-ticket reflecting the change.

Name Change Fees

British Airways charges a fee for name changes, which varies depending on the type of ticket, the route, and the urgency of the change. It’s essential to check their official website or contact customer support for the most accurate and up-to-date information on fees.

Important Considerations

Here are some important points to keep in mind when considering a name change with British Airways:

  • Timely Action: If you need to change your name, it’s advisable to do so as soon as possible to avoid any complications or last-minute issues.
  • Travel Insurance: Check if your travel insurance covers name changes or related expenses.
  • Legal Documentation: Ensure you have all the necessary legal documents to support your name change request.
  • Ticket Type: The type of ticket you have may impact the eligibility and fees for a name change. Check with British Airways for specific details.

British Airways Change Name Policy for Marriage/Divorce

British Airways recognizes that life events like marriage or divorce can lead to the need for a name change on airline tickets. This article outlines the key aspects of British Airways’ policy regarding name changes in such cases.

Eligibility: British Airways allows passengers to change their name on a ticket when they experience life-altering events such as marriage or divorce. This flexibility is a valuable feature, acknowledging the reality that individuals may undergo significant legal or personal changes that necessitate an update in their travel documents.

Procedure: To initiate a name change, passengers should contact British Airways’ customer support. It’s imperative to provide legal documentation to support the name change request, such as a marriage certificate or divorce decree. These documents serve as evidence of the change, ensuring the airline’s records are accurate.

Fees: While British Airways permits name changes, they typically come with associated fees. The exact cost may vary depending on factors like the type of ticket, the route, and the urgency of the change. Passengers should check with British Airways for the most current and specific fee information.

Timely Action: Passengers are encouraged to request name changes promptly, ideally as soon as the need arises. Procrastination can lead to complications, especially close to the departure date.

you must contact the British Airways office in your area. 

  • You will not be charged any fee for this, unless the taxes, fees, or carrier charges have increased since you booked your ticket. 
  • You will be required to provide valid documentary evidence to prove your identity. 


In conclusion, British Airways offers a straightforward process for name changes under specific circumstances, such as spelling errors, marriage, divorce, or legal name changes. By following the procedure outlined in this article, you can ensure a smooth transition and enjoy your travel experience without any hassles.

Read More: Delta Airlines Name Change Policy

Frequently Asked Questions on British Airways Name Change

Q: What is British Airways’ policy on changing the name on a booking?

A: British Airways allows passengers to change the name on their booking under specific circumstances, such as spelling errors, marriage, divorce, or legal name changes. These changes are subject to certain conditions and procedures.

Q: Can I change the name on my British Airways ticket if there is a spelling error?

A: Yes, British Airways permits name changes in the case of spelling errors on the ticket. You can contact their customer support to initiate the correction.

Q: What is the process for changing the name on a British Airways booking due to marriage or divorce?

A: To change your name on a British Airways booking because of marriage or divorce, you will need to provide legal documentation, such as a marriage certificate or divorce decree. Contact British Airways’ customer support to request the name change.

Q: Are there fees associated with changing the name on a British Airways booking?

A: Yes, British Airways may charge fees for name changes, and the amount can vary based on factors like the type of ticket, the route, and the urgency of the change. It’s essential to check with British Airways for the most up-to-date fee information.

Q: How can I ensure a smooth name change process with British Airways?

A: To ensure a smooth process, it’s advisable to take prompt action if you need to change your name on a British Airways booking. Make sure you have all the necessary legal documents to support your request, and contact their customer support for guidance.

Q: Can I change the name on any type of ticket, such as non-refundable tickets?

A: The eligibility and fees for name changes may vary depending on the type of ticket you have. It’s recommended to check with British Airways for specific details related to your ticket type.

Q: What if I have already booked a flight with my previous name and need to change it?

A: If you have already booked a flight with your previous name and need to make a change, contact British Airways as soon as possible to discuss your situation. They will guide you through the process and inform you of any applicable fees.

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