Southwest Name Change Policy

In this comprehensive guide, we will provide you with all the essential information you need to know about Southwest Name Change Policy,. Whether you are a frequent traveler or planning your first trip with Southwest, understanding the name change rules and procedures can be crucial. Our aim is to ensure you have a seamless experience while managing your reservations, ensuring that your travel plans are always stress-free.

Why Would You Need to Change Your Name?

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty details of Southwest’s Name Change Policy, let’s discuss some common scenarios in which you might need to change your name on a Southwest Airlines reservation:

1. Marriage or Divorce

Changing your last name due to marriage or divorce is a common reason to update your travel information. Southwest Airlines understands that personal situations change, and they have policies in place to accommodate these adjustments.

2. Spelling Mistakes

Sometimes, mistakes happen when booking a flight, and a simple typo can lead to an incorrect name on your reservation. Southwest’s flexible policies can help you correct these errors.

3. Legal Name Change

In the event of a legal name change, you’ll need to update your name on all official documents, including your flight reservation. Southwest Airlines offers clear guidelines on how to handle this process.

Southwest Name Change Policy,

Southwest Airlines has a straightforward and customer-friendly Name Change Policy that allows you to update your information when necessary. Here are the key points to keep in mind:

1. Name Change Eligibility

Southwest Airlines allows name changes for a variety of reasons, including marriage, divorce, spelling mistakes, and legal name changes. The airline is committed to accommodating your needs, ensuring your travel plans go smoothly.

2. Supporting Documentation

To process a name change, you’ll typically need to provide supporting documentation. This may include a marriage certificate, divorce decree, or court order for a legal name change. Make sure to have the required paperwork ready for a hassle-free experience.

3. Timeframe for Name Changes

Southwest Airlines recommends that you request a name change at least 72 hours before your flight. This allows them to update your information in a timely manner, reducing any last-minute stress.

4. Name Change Fees

It’s essential to be aware that Southwest Airlines may charge a fee for name changes, which can vary depending on your specific situation. Details about the fees can be found on the official Southwest website.

5. Contacting Customer Support

If you need assistance with the name change process, Southwest Airlines’ customer support team is readily available to guide you through the steps and answer any questions you may have.

How to Request a Name Change

To request a name change with Southwest Airlines, follow these simple steps:

  1. Gather Documentation: Collect the necessary supporting documents, such as a marriage certificate, divorce decree, or court order for a legal name change.
  2. Contact Customer Support: Reach out to Southwest’s customer support via their website or phone. They will guide you through the process, providing you with the required forms and instructions.
  3. Pay any Applicable Fees: Be prepared to cover any name change fees associated with your reservation.
  4. Review Confirmation: After successfully updating your name, review your reservation confirmation to ensure all details are correct.

Southwest Name Change Fee:

Changing the name on a flight reservation can be a necessity due to various circumstances, but it’s important to understand the associated fees and policies. Southwest Airlines, known for its customer-friendly approach, does offer a Name Change Fee option, and here’s what you need to know:

When is a Name Change Fee Applicable? Southwest or United Airlines allows passengers to change the name on a flight reservation, typically in situations such as marriage, divorce, spelling errors, or legal name changes.

Fee Amount The exact fee for a name change on Southwest Airlines can vary. It’s important to note that the fee is not standardized and depends on a variety of factors.

Supporting Documentation To process a name change, you will typically need to provide supporting documentation.

Requesting a Name Change To request a name change, it’s advisable to contact Southwest Airlines well in advance of your flight, preferably at least 72 hours before departure.

How to Change Name on Southwest Flight Ticket?

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to change the name on a Southwest flight ticket:

1. Gather Necessary Documentation: Before initiating a name change, make sure you have all the required documentation. The type of documentation you need depends on the reason for the name change. Common scenarios include a marriage certificate, divorce decree, or a court order for a legal name change. Having these documents ready will streamline the process.

2. Contact Southwest Airlines Customer Support: Reach out to Southwest Airlines’ customer support to request a name change. You can do this through their official website or by calling their customer service hotline. The airline’s customer support team will guide you through the process and provide you with the necessary forms and instructions.

3. Provide Supporting Documentation: When you contact Southwest Airlines, be prepared to provide the supporting documentation that corresponds to the reason for your name change. This documentation is essential for the airline to validate and process your request.

4. Pay any Applicable Fees: Be aware that Southwest Airlines may charge a fee for name changes. The exact fee can vary based on factors like your fare type, the timing of the change, and the specific circumstances of the name change. Ensure you are prepared to cover any applicable fees.

5. Review Your Confirmation: After successfully updating the name on your flight ticket, review your reservation confirmation to ensure that all details are correct. It’s crucial to double-check everything to avoid any discrepancies that could cause issues during your travel.

6. Make Changes in Advance: Southwest Airlines recommends that you request a name change at least 72 hours before your scheduled flight. Providing ample time allows the airline to process your request efficiently, reducing last-minute stress.

Southwest Name Correction—How to Fix Misspelled Names

Common Reasons for Misspelled Names

Name misspellings can occur for various reasons, such as:

  • Human error during the booking process
  • Auto-correct features on booking platforms
  • Typos made while entering personal information
  • Miscommunication between passengers and booking agents

The Importance of Correcting a Misspelled Name

Correcting a misspelled name is essential for several reasons:

  • Avoiding issues at airport security and during boarding
  • Preventing potential problems with international travel and customs
  • Ensuring the accuracy of your travel documentation
  • Guaranteeing a seamless travel experience

How to Fix Misspelled Names with Southwest Airlines

Southwest Airlines offers multiple ways to correct misspelled names on your flight reservations. Here are the steps to follow:

Contacting Southwest Customer Support

  1. Reach out to Southwest’s customer support via phone or email.
  2. Provide your booking details and explain the name correction needed.
  3. Follow their guidance and instructions for the name correction process.

Visiting the Southwest Airlines Website

  1. Visit Southwest’s official website.
  2. Log in to your account or access your booking using your reservation number.
  3. Locate the option for name correction and follow the on-screen instructions.

Using the Southwest Mobile App

  1. Open the Southwest mobile app.
  2. Sign in to your account or access your booking with your reservation number.
  3. Navigate to the name correction feature and follow the app’s prompts.

In-Person Assistance at the Airport

  1. Arrive at the airport well in advance of your flight.
  2. Visit the Southwest Airlines customer service desk.
  3. Present your booking details and request a name correction.

Important Information to Provide

  • Be prepared to provide your reservation number, flight details, and correct name spelling.
  • Ensure you have valid identification with the correct name.

Tips for Avoiding Misspelled Names

To minimize the risk of misspelled names on your flight tickets, consider the following tips:

  • Double-check all entered information during the booking process.
  • Disable auto-correct features when entering your name.
  • Communicate clearly with booking agents if assistance is needed.
  • Review your booking confirmation for any errors immediately after purchase.


In summary, Southwest Name Change Policy, is designed to accommodate various situations that may require changes to your reservation details. With the right documentation and adherence to their guidelines, you can easily modify your booking. A stress-free travel experience starts with ensuring that all your information is up to date, and Southwest Airlines makes this process as smooth as possible.

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